Tuesday, 18 June 2013

The Most Important Beauty Tool You Have... For (Almost) Free! (Part 2)

The other day I discussed the importance of sleep in your plan for vintage glamour.  There are very few things that are so important to your beauty and health as a lack of sleep.  However, another extremely important factor, is water.

Probably a cocktail, but let's pretend it's water.

Now, for most of us in the first world countries are able to get water pretty readily.  We use it regularly without even thinking of it.  We take hour long showers or luxurious bubble baths; we brush our teeth, wash our faces, and dampen our hair to achieve our perfect styles.

But do we drink enough?  The old adage, drink 8 glasses of water a day, is a little misleading.  8 glasses should be 8 cups (250ml) which equals to be 2 litres of water a day.  A more accuate equation for how much water you should drink a day should be:

Your Body Weight divided by 2 = How many oz of water you should drink a day.
150lbs divided by 2 = 75 oz. of water a day

8 oz. of water is a cup.  So 75 oz. of water is actually 9 and 1/3 cups of water.  Based on that equation, you are better able to determine how much water you should be consuming in the run of a day.

Water does all kinds of wonderful things to your health and radiance.  Water helps to:

1.  Make you look younger.
2.  Make your eyes clear and sparkly.
3.  Improve circulation, thereby decreasing the likelihood of sallow skin.
4.  Refresh and repair your skin cells from the harshness of makeup and daily chemical interactions.
5.  The quickest and most natural moisturizer available.
6.  Help with weight loss (and *ahem* regularity).
7.  Reduces dark circles under your eyes.
8.  Decreases bad breath.

Water is not free; most of us pay a water bill for our homes to have access to the clean, pure water our cities provide for us.  But given that you not only need it but benefit so much from it, I'd consider it a bargain.  

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